Rewrite A Story From Week One

Good news! You don’t have to get a whole new idea today…

This is the first of your Rescue Week prompts!


Rewrite your First Person story from Week One

  • Try writing a story from a different in a different point of view. You could use third person limited, in which you can still only understand ‘hear’ the thoughts of the main character but which gives you greater flexibility. Or you could use use third person omniscient, which lets you head hop (just remember to limit that to places where you jump between scenes).
  • If you’re having trouble remembering what Third Person, Limited sounds like, try reading a little Harry Potter.
  • Trouble with the Third Person, Omniscient? Read some Dickens.
  • Another option is to rewrite the story from the perspective of a different character. You could stay in First Person, but now you’re telling the story from the antagonist’s point of view; or the point of view of a secondary character.
  • One of the benefits of doing this, is that you don’t have to get a whole new idea today. This can be a wonderful way to get a story finished when you’re running on fumes.
  • An added benefit: you might discover your story works better from a different perspective or in another character’s voice.

Day 15

This is the first of your Rescue Week prompts!


Rewrite your First Person story from Week One

  • Try writing a story from a different in a different point of view. You could use third person limited, in which you can still only understand ‘hear’ the thoughts of the main character but which gives you greater flexibility. Or you could use use third person omniscient, which lets you head hop (just remember to limit that to places where you jump between scenes).

  • If you’re having trouble remembering what Third Person, Limited sounds like, try reading a little Harry Potter.

  • Trouble with the Third Person, Omniscient? Read some Dickens.

  • Another option is to rewrite the story from the perspective of a different character. You could stay in First Person, but now you’re telling the story from the antagonist’s point of view; or the point of view of a secondary character.

  • One of the benefits of doing this, is that you don’t have to get a whole new idea today. This can be a wonderful way to get a story finished when you’re running on fumes.

  • An added benefit: you might discover your story works better from a different perspective or in another character’s voice.

Leave a comment telling us how you got on. What choices did you make as you rewrote your story? How did it go?

9 thoughts on “Rewrite A Story From Week One”

  1. Today’s prompt- Thank you, Julie. Just what the doctor ordered.- as a rescue.
    I took a story from May 6th that I had written in first person, from the perspective of a shallow young woman at a cocktail party. She was telling her friends about a man she saw on the street.

    When I first started the rewrite, I tried to make the story first person, from the man’s perspective. But it was really difficult. So I went back to the woman, and changed her pov to 3rd person.

    A good exercise in pov for me.

  2. Funnily enough, I actually already did quite a bit of work on my story on the first-person prompt and submitted it to a contest on Friday (yeah!).

    I have to admit I’ll feeling a bit done with it for now and don’t really have much enthusiasm for a re-write from a 3rd (or other) person point of view. I am keeping it in the back of my mind, but what I’ve thought of so far would be a much, much longer piece that would not a be a “Story A Day” type thing. (Certainly not on a Sunday, when I’ve been busy with a bunch of other things!)

    1. Nice, Lori. The drabble seems more like a concept when compared to the revisited story. I like it.
      And interesting blog/website that you created. I’ll be checking back in. Best, Linda

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