
Finding Your Voice

Silence all the critics in your head telling you you should be writing some other way…

You been writing for three weeks you have a good body of work under your belt. Now is the time to pause, see what you learned, and start focusing on your strengths.

The prompt

Write a story in the voice that came most easily to you this month.


  • Take a look back at the stories you’ve written this month. Which story came easiest?
  • Let’s try to replicate that today.
  • Take something from that story—the character, or the universe, or something about the styling which was written.
  • Give your character a new setting, or a new problem. Or introduce a new character in the same universe.
  • Do whatever it takes to re-create the voice of that story. Silence all the critics in your head telling you you shouldn’t be writing this way. Don’t let them say you should be writing some other style, or in some other genre, or more seriously, or less seriously. Today is all about writing what you are best at, the voice that only you can write.

Leave a comment to let us know what you discovered about your writing and your voice this month, and what you wrote today. And remember, if you’re enjoying these prompts please share them.

11 thoughts on “Finding Your Voice”

  1. So here’s the thing. I just learned way more about Completion yesterday, with Julie’s FAQ on that subject- and making myself complete a story when I really didnt want to. But today, I chose the Voice prompt, and I didn’t technically ‘finish’ my story. Nor did I finish evaluating all the stories
    I’ve written for SToryADAY yet. Just scratching the surface. And it’s a big surface.

    But what I did do with the ‘not quite technically finishing’ my today’s story- is that I filled in the last 1/3 of the story with clear, simple commands telling me where to go next, all the way to the end. And finding myself able to do this has helped me enormousl. Because one Big reason I tend not to finish, is that I tend not to outline well enough or at all- being Pantser by nature. So- ta dah- Big step forward today- YEY!

    1. I’m SO HAPPY to hear this.
      Fellow pantser here: I’ve been exploring this kind of thing lately, with longer projects. I’m finding I need to stop and write some directions to myself for the next part, every now and then. Otherwise I end up meandering too much. I like the phrase “clear, simple commands telling me where to go next.”

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