A Friendly Warning – a writing prompt from Phil Giunta

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Phil Giunta gives us a situation today that suggests mystery, but you don’t have to write a full-on mystery if you don’t want to.

It is, however, a great reminder that suspense plays an important role in all storytelling…

The Prompt

You walk into your office and see a new message written on your whiteboard: “Whatever happens, don’t die. See you Monday.”

The note is not signed and you’re not certain who wrote it…

About Phil Giunta

A Pennsylvania resident, Phil Giunta’s has published two paranormal mysteries, Testing the Prisoner, and By Your SideHis short stories appear in such anthologies as Beach Nights, the ReDeus series , and the Middle of Eternity series, which he created and edited for Firebringer Press. His paranormal mystery novella, Like Mother, Like Daughters is slated for release in 2017.
Phil is a member of the Greater Lehigh Valley Writers Group and served as chairman of their 2015 Write Stuff conference.
Visit Phil’s website: www.philgiunta.com

7 thoughts on “A Friendly Warning – a writing prompt from Phil Giunta”

  1. Finally! Finally, I wrote an actual (whole) story in a day… I’ve tried the other prompts this week and got all tangled up in too complicated, too big plots and continuing scenes (this has been an “issue” for me). All were interesting, but too elaborate and not one ended with an actual story arc completely laid down, until today. I’m so glad to have this crazy project to push me to get my story muscle back into shape.
    Thank You!

  2. Oo! I am REALLY happy with the story I came up with for this prompt.

    I started it, with absolutely no idea where it was going to go. I finished it, totally jazzed and energized for the rest of the day.

    Thanks, Phil!!!

    (I mean, obviously, I’ll look at this draft in a few days and think, “oh my goodness, why was I so happy with myself? Look at all those commas!”, but I seriously think I have the root of something I can buff and polish here. And I feel so GOOOOOD for having written today!)

  3. A great prompt! Just heard about this from one of my fellow writers on TheWritePractice.com, and this was a good one to start with.

    You can read mine here: [https://docs.google.com/document/d/1AX5v6rtCvL3t4uriEHmDp_kQGroBrAySaPJBmaFqw-0/edit?usp=sharing]

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