Chance Encounter – Writing Prompt from Sarah Cain

Today’s prompt, from author Sarah Cain, features a chance encounter. This is going to be fun!

Podcast version:

The Prompt

The chance encounter. Have you ever run into someone you know when you look grubby? Or maybe you see an old boyfriend at Starbucks. Or perhaps, as in Alfred Hitchcock’s famous Stranger’s On a Train, you run into a stranger who offers to do you a service, like murder, in return for you returning the favor. Think of a chance encounter that could leave you shaken, stirred, or in deep trouble.

About Sarah Cain

Sarah Cain is the author of the Danny Ryan political thrillers, The 8th Circle and One By One. She lives in the Philadelphia suburbs with her husband Howard, a former political consultant, and her two insane cats, and spends a great deal of time contemplating murder. In her spare time, she reads, plays Cards for Humanity, and dreams about moving to Ireland.

6 thoughts on “Chance Encounter – Writing Prompt from Sarah Cain”

  1. I have a list of ideas I’m working through and so haven’t come to use the prompts yet. But sometimes it seems that I’ve used them without realizing it! I love writing about chance encounters. It can work for any genre and go anywhere. It’s already giving me an idea for tomorrow. Thanks!

  2. When my alarm went off this morning I was in the middle of a dream that became the basis for todays story. I didn’t think the prompt would fit – I was wrong. That chance encounter helped me write the ending. I love it when I’m surprised by my own story.

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