Day 13 – Monique Cuillerier Shifts Your Perspective

Monique Cuillerier Writing prompt

The Prompt

Write a story from the perspective of a character that is not a human or other animal.

The character could be something from nature, like a rock or a puddle or a tree, or it could be something built (for example, a lamp or a shoe or a fountain pen).

To consider:

How does your character think? And what do they think about it?

What is most important to them?

What happens to them and how are they able, or not able, to react?

How do they feel about this?

The Author

Monique Cuillerier is a science fiction writer living in Ottawa. When not writing, she likes to run, knit, garden, and get angry on Twitter (@MoniqueAC). Her most recent story was published by Diabolical Plots this month. Past work can be found at

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This year’s StoryADay May official bookseller is Reads & Company, a privately-owned indie bookseller in Pennsylvania. Any purchase from the site this month supports Reads & Co.

Leave a comment and let us know how you used the prompt, and how you’re celebrating!

11 thoughts on “Day 13 – Monique Cuillerier Shifts Your Perspective”

  1. I wrote as a tree and basically highlighted the crisis of climate change from the perspective of a tree. Trees are at the mercy of human beings who are destroying the community they house. The destructive and mindless disregard for the planet by human beings is not only killing off all the creatures that live in and around the trees but the trees themselves as well. These trees and creatures are needed for the survival of all life on earth. The disbelief, the despair and the concern was discussed between the trees in the forest showing how much more evolved nature is than us!
    The rough outline suggests perhaps there is an illustrated children’s book possibility there.

    1. I loved yours! So much clever use if the elements of your object. Nice, tight story. Great job. πŸ™‚

      1. Thank you πŸ™‚ Yours was fun, too. I enjoyed the twist in the middle, where I expected things to end much sooner but your pea got to live a second life first. Beautiful <3

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