Day 0 of the StoryADay Challenge

Are you excited (nervous?) about StoryADay May? I have an invitation that might help settle you into your writing chair.

I know it’s last minute, but if you’re around, I’d like to invite you to join me live on Saturday, April 30 for some writing and  Q&A

Live With Julie – Saturday, April 30

When: 9:30-11 AM (Eastern US)
Where: Zoom (link will be emailed an hour before the meeting)

Over the next month I’m going to be sending you lots of prompts, to help develop your writing practice.

But for any of that to matter, you have to really believe that you can be a writer and can fit it into your life.

I’d like to invite you to start that process tomorrow morning. 

If you can, I’d love for you to join me on Zoom  for a Q&A session, and stay for a writing sprint, where you’ll have a chance to stretch your writing muscles, and get warmed up before May starts.

You can work on your Creative Challenge Workbook or your Story Prompts, even your Short Story Framework brainstorming, or you can read some inspiring short stories or work on your first, warm-up story.

Q&A will start at 9:30 AM (Eastern US) CHECK YOUR TIME, and we’ll get down to some quiet writing, in community. (If you’ve never been to a Zoom writing sprint, you’ll be amazed how productive you can be, writing quietly in the presence of others!)

You don’ t have to stay for the whole thing. Come and go as you please.

I’ll send another email tomorrow morning around 8:30 AM with the link.

Until then…here’s a little gift for you. Save this picture, cut it out, stick it to your notebook or your laptop, because you are, an official StoryADay Writer! Congrats!

Leave a comment and let me know if you’ll be there

Keep up with all the Classic Challenge Posts Here

16 thoughts on “Day 0 of the StoryADay Challenge”

  1. Starting late here👋 but better late than never. I look forward to continuing this challenge with everyone!

  2. What is the Creative Challenge Workbook? I Googled it and went to the two links on one of your pages but they were both dead. I’m on the West Coast but I’ll try to make your meeting tomorrow morning at 6:30 AM. Looking forward to it!

  3. May you all connect to awesome inspiration! For me (in Oregon), that’s a bit early, but I’ll pretend I’m with you when I wake a bit later and have my own writing time…

  4. I work 7am-3pm on Saturday so I’ll miss it. But I’m looking forward to this challenge. My only question is will there be a prompt every day? Thank you

    1. Oh gosh.. My eldest has a dance exam at this time so I’m probably not going to be able to take part… 😭

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