If you’re the type of person who likes to plan, and get all their ducks in a row, my Creative Challenge Workbook can help set you up for success during the challenge.

Keep writing,

Thanks for signing up for the StoryADay.org’s Advance List for the world’s-best month-long short-story-writing challenge!
Download Your Free Workbook
(It’s OK. It happens to the best of us)
Because it’s scary, that’s why!
BUT taking action becomes much less terrifying if you have:
So before you sign up, download the free workbook and take 30 minutes, all at once, in a quiet place, to go through it.
Why you want to sign up for this crazy creative challenge……and what might happen if you do.
Ways to feed your muse.
Practical tools to help you work.
When you have worked through the workbook, I’d love it if you would send me an email (julie at story a day dot org) or leave a comment on this blog post answering one of these questions:
Or just tell me what you thought, and if there are any parts that could be improved. Your input will make future versions of this workbook truly awesome. So, thanks!
Comments are closed.
I need not to win anything but only to write stories those could be seen in my blog. Please comment on those pieces.
Sekhar Roy
I think it’s a great workbook and it’ll be really useful, especially the inspiration part. I so often don’t realise what exactly I’m being inspired by, so when I’m ‘all out’ or I’ve strayed too far away from the main idea, it’s hard to get back and I wind up just giving up.
Thanks for posting!
Thanks! Glad you found it helpful!