Day 26 – Tammy Breitweiser Notices Things

The Prompt

Make list of 10 things that you noticed about your day already.

Even if you woke up at 4 am there are certainly things you noticed.

Try to be as precise and sensory as possible and try to avoid metaphor.

And then, at the end, connect those pieces together to make a story.

The Author

Tammy Breitweiser is a writer and teacher who is a force of nature, an accidental inspirationalist, the keeper of the little red doors,  and a conjurer of everyday magic who is always busy writing short stories. Her flash fiction has been published in The Ninja Writers Monthly, Spelk, Clover and White, and Elephants Never. Her essay is in the I Wrote it Anyway anthology. You can connect with Tammy through Twitter @TLBREIT or through her medium page
Sign up for her newsletter here

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This year’s StoryADay May official bookseller is Reads & Company, a privately-owned indie bookseller in Pennsylvania. Any purchase from the site this month supports Reads & Co.

Leave a comment and let us know how you used the prompt, and how you’re celebrating!

8 thoughts on “Day 26 – Tammy Breitweiser Notices Things”

  1. The first ten things I saw :
    Two buzzards wheeling in the sky through my bedroom window.
    1. Trees rocked by a strong wind from the north.
    2. Brown, curled leaves flying through the air to settle on the grass beneath.
    3. Rooks gathering on the branches.
    4. Listening to the cry of seagulls squawking above the noise of the wind.
    5. Hearing the clatter of the garden furniture knock to the floor.
    6. The marmalade cat leaping on to my bed.
    7. The toddler chasing in after the cat squealing with delight.
    8. Tea and toast on a tray.
    9. Rain lashing against the windows.
    10. Dressing gown snuggling around me as my toes snuggle into fluffy slippers.
    This turned into a flash fiction of 100 words.

  2. I’m going to use this prompt again and again. The things I noticed were less visual than usual because I stumble around in the morning without glasses. Described more smells, sounds, and textures of things.

    Plus, what we notice is tied to our thoughts whether we realize it or not, so the story is there for the digging.
    Thank you!

  3. I noticed these ten things
    ●Sun glinting through trees
    ●Pigeons on branches
    ●Droplets of water dripping from fences.
    ● socks on the floor
    ● Empty bed
    ● Empty wardrobe
    ● Kettle boiling
    ● Toast popping up
    ● Open door
    ● Last night’s dirty wine glasses

    I wrote a flash fiction about a night of passion followed by a morning full of regrets. Needs fine tuning and editing.

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