
Day 27 – Matty Dalrymple Stares At Clouds

The Prompt

Wake With Clouds

The Author

Matty Dalrymple writes, podcasts, speaks, and consults on the writing craft and the publishing voyage as The Indy Author™, and is a member of the Alliance of Independent Authors. You can connect with The Indy Author™  via Facebook and Twitter.

Matty is also the author of the Lizzy Ballard Thrillers Rock Paper ScissorsSnakes and Ladders, and The Iron Ring; the Ann Kinnear Suspense Novels The Sense of Death and The Sense of Reckoning; and the Ann Kinnear Suspense Shorts, including Close These Eyes and Write in Water,  and the new writing handbook, Taking the Short Tack:
​Creating Income and Connecting with Readers Using Short Fiction
 which she co-authored with Mark Leslie Lefebvre.

Read A Book, Support An Indie

Reads & Company Logo

This year’s StoryADay May official bookseller is Reads & Company, a privately-owned indie bookseller in Pennsylvania. Any purchase from the site this month supports Reads & Co.

Matty Dalrymple, The SEnse of Death


Leave a comment and let us know how you used the prompt, and how you’re celebrating!

6 thoughts on “Day 27 – Matty Dalrymple Stares At Clouds”

  1. A retired couple are embarking on their first cruise. It’s going to be a cruise of a lifetime. On the second day the Captain announces over the tannoy that passengers are confined to their cabins and must not use their balconies as a weather system of concern is approaching them at speed. The story unfolds as the situation deteriorates rapidly.
    An outline of 200 words

  2. My story is about a couple. The husband has spent months planning an ocean voyage, single handed, in his yacht. His wife has been to the quay and waved him goodbye. She returned to their apartment and watched from their terrace until he was lost from view. She went inside to fetch a coffee and returned to see this ominous weather system developing. And then the drama unfurled.

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The only qualification to be a ‘Superstar” is a desire to write and support your fellow writers.

A supportive group of committed writers, who meet virtually, support each other’s efforts, and inspire each other.

Registration for 2024 open now-June 8, 2024

The StoryADay

I, WRITER Course


A 6-part journey through the short story.

Starts July 28, 2023