
The Ugly Duckling – a writing prompt for May 29

Today we continue looking at story structure: this time, with what I call the Ugly Duckling Structure.

The Prompt

Watch the video and write an Ugly Duckling story


The ‘life-changing moment’ comes in the middle of this story

Balance out every challenge from before that moment, with a similar, but different moment afterwards. Show us how the character (or their circumstances) have changed now.

This story might have to be longer than a Cinderella-type story. Sketch it out, if you don’t have time to do it justice today.

Read this post, which talks more about the Ugly Duckling structure.

Don’t forget to leave a comment or post in the community and tell us how you’re getting on. What have you learned this month, so far?

One thought on “The Ugly Duckling – a writing prompt for May 29”

  1. I’m still catching up on the last couple of days before diving headlong into the final prompt. If only i could get to the posting as efficiently as writing…but I’m here now with my planning post for the Ugly Duckling structure prompt.

    This one was tricky to fit with a 100 word fan fiction story, but I like the result. As for my Kifo Island novel-in-the-making, I skipped the actual moment of transition (the mirror, I suppose), since I really don’t know what that will be, yet. Instead, I focused on two moments taken from either side.

    Loved this prompt!


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