The Prompt
Write a story in fewer than 250 words. Somewhere in the story use the phrase “the moment everything changed”
Things To Consider
A story in 250 words? Really?
But you’re going to have to leave a lot out, imply a lot, and trust the reader to fill in the gaps.
When we get down to this kind of word limit it is important to think about the essential elements of a story.
If you are trying to write a story and not just an aphorism or meditation, there are some elements you’ll need:
• A character (or two)
• A situation that conflicts with their wants or needs in some way
• An action that they take or plan to take
• A sense, for the reader, of consequences, and how that will change the reader.
I know, it’s unsubtle of me to ask you to include “the moment everything changed” in the prose, but it’s a great reminder, as you’re shaping the story, that readers like it when something changes in a story, whether it’s the character’s state or simply their understand of the character/situation.
Further Reading
If you’re not familiar with micro fiction, it can be helpful to read a few examples. (Just don’t use up all your writing time, reading!)
O Magazine’s Microfiction feature
Vestal Review: the longest-running Flash Fiction publication on the planet:
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