Writers’ Corner: How Do You Feel About Contests and Facebook Groups?

Thanks for all the great feedback about the user blogs. It’s a relief to know I can sidestep that technical challenge. Your comments helped me stop worrying and move on, so thanks. On that note, here are a couple of other questions up for discussion:



Popular writers’ blog Writer Unboxed recently opened a Facebook Group to complement their website, so now their readers can start discussions, not just comment on blog posts.

I have some opinions on whether or not StADa should start a Facebook Group, but I would like to hear yours. Should we have a Facebook Group?


I also wondered if people would be interested in a StoryADay May competition, with judges and prizes and all that. You could opt to submit your best one or two stories at the end of May and we’d have judges and prizes and all that good stuff. Would that seem like fun or would it introduce an element of “Oh crap, this needs to be good’ into what is supposed to be a free-floating writing extravaganza?

Thanks again for your feedback!

6 thoughts on “Writers’ Corner: How Do You Feel About Contests and Facebook Groups?”

  1. Thanks Dorla and Mark.

    I was secretly hoping everyone would say “Facebook, meh” so I’ll probably just leave it as it is. There’s a page there, but I’d prefer all the activity to be here. I like things simple too!

    Right, it seems like my hardliners are in favour of a competition. Let me beetle off and see what I can rig up 😉

  2. What I liked about last year’s StoryADay was the simplicity of it. It was just about writing the stories. Everybody had different goals on how much they were going to write, what they viewed as success. I’ prefer to keep it that way. I agree with Maxie — the real prize is in having this concept to motivate us to write. That being said, having a Facebook page doesn’t mean I have to participate on the FB page. Having a competition doesn’t mean I have to participate in the competition. But, if I wrote something I really liked, I wouldn’t mind having the opportunity to win something for it. 🙂

  3. If there was a Facebook group, I would join, but I honestly don’t use Facebook groups that much. I would join pretty much to give publicity to Story- A-Day, but that’s really it.

    But I would unilaterally LOVE to have a contest. I would absolutely love that and would most certainly participate.

  4. The Facebook page could generate some more interest, bring in some new people and whatnot, but part of me can’t help but feel that it’s a little redundant. But most of Facebook is. I would say go for it, simply because it puts StaD in peoples faces.

    I like the idea of contests! I’ll totally freak out over it, but it sounds like fun.

  5. I’m still weighing my opinion on a Facebook group, but I like the idea of a competition at the end. It would be a cool outlet for a prized story from the challenge as an added push. I’m thinking it would be reminiscent of Story Fest…or even let Story Fest serve as the winner-announcement party? Maybe? The free floating element would still be there because, of course, the real prize is 31 stories and the competition is optional.

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