2023 Triumphs

In this episode I talk about some of the publishing successes StoryADay Superstars have achieved this year, and invite you to share your own. Also, a special invitation for you, if you’re ready…

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in this week’s episode I’m celebrating the successes of writers from the StoryADay Community, and our Superstars Group. Some of those successes are publication-related and others are more about the progress of the writers’ practice. Join us. I also extend an invitation to join our Superstar group in the coming year.


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Superstars Triumphs


The Mothership, The Rumpus, Maery Rose

Elixir – Laura Porter

Bikes In Space AnthologyMonique Cuillerier

Sad Goose Collective Issue 2 –  Astrid Eggar

Blink-Ink Issue 51 – Astrid Eggar

A Boat, a Bike, and a Balloon (Or What It Takes to Return a Stolen Sun), Bikes In Space Anthology – Marta Pelrine-Bacon

Bones In The Road, Pilgrimage Magazine – Peyton Ellas

Naming The Dead, Heartwood Literary Press – Walter Lawn

The Unguarded Moment , Active Muse – Astrid Eggar

Death Chips & Love Fries – Short Stories for City Lovers – Neha Mediratta

Make A Wish, Fiddlehead Folio – Robin Stein

From Nothing, Rise – Monique Cuillerier

Fixing The Books, a novel –  Fallon Brown

The Garage Fridge Situation, a novel  – Fallon Brown

The Warrior Defying Time And Space, Short Fiction Break Reader’s Choice Award – Neha Mediratta

The Painter Must Be Going Nowhere, Wingword Poetry Prize, longlisted – Neha Mediratta

Honorable Mention in NYC Midnight Short Story Contest – Kim Younkin

7 thoughts on “2023 Triumphs”

  1. I finished 2023’s Bradbury 52 short stories 52 weeks challenge. Wrote 18 episodic short stories of at least 1500 words or a little more with 4 of the stories being holiday themed.

    1. Wow, that’s a lot! Did you tend to lean towards a specific genre when you were writing your short stories? Congrats on getting so much written! I’ve never tried Bradbury’s challenge; I might give that a go another year.

  2. It is a while since I posted anything – a long while. I had a novella published the night before we went into the first covid lockdown here in Oz. It is still selling and I am still receiving a royalty every six months. Enough for lollypops. I had feedback this week from a recent purchase and the reader absolutely loved the story and wants more. . I did have a short story published in an anthology but I was unhappy with the published form(grammar and spelling mistakes which were not of my making), and an acceptance of another short story which will be published in February this year. That was my writing triumph for 2023.
    The smallest child in my care will be at school this year so I am making plans and putting in the structural changes to allow me to write daily during school hours.

    1. That sounds great! It’s always wonderfully heartwarming to know that readers enjoy your work and want more of it. Here’s to hoping your scheduling pans out and you’re able to make some good headway with whatever you want to work on!

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