The Secret To Sticking With It

Celebrating all the achievements along the way

In the wake of the Paris 2024 Olympic games, everyone is talking about the (mostly) good vibes we collectively experienced. 

In one story, US gymnasts shared how much better everything felt now that they have ditched the old coaches, who ‘motivated’ them through fear and pain.

And oh look: the team still won gold!

It’s Not Just About The Podium

At every stage, we saw elite athletes congratulating each other (and themselves) on the incredible efforts they were making to be the best at what they do.

I have to imagine those celebrations happen every day—in the gym, at the track, when they successfully bypass the ‘snooze’ button—or those athletes wouldn’t have the resilience, the persistence to get to the finals.

Everyday Triumphs

In the StoryADay Superstars group we have a running thread called “Triumph”. It’s an invitation to catch ourselves doing well, and to share that with others, no matter how great or small. 

Here are some recent examples: 

  • “ After feeling like I’d fallen off a writing cliff, I FINALLY wrote a new scene for my novel-in-progress.”
  • “Got my new website/blog up. Is it the best thing ever? No. And I’ll make improvements later. But I feel it’s good enough for now and that I can Not Think About It for a while.”
  • “I submitted a story to a local arts council contest in April…I didn’t win… but all of the submitters had their stories printed in a book that will live on the local library shelf! Yay!”
  • “I received this message this week: We are pleased to announce that we have chosen your poem…for publication in Massachusetts Bards Poetry Anthology 2024.”

It takes a deep breath and a dose of courage for every writer to post their celebrations to this thread, Each post is met with cheers from the other people in the group. 

As well as encouraging their peers, each writer who celebrates the wins in their daily life is telling themselves “this matters”. 

Each person who stops to celebrate a win, reinforces a good writing habit. 

Each person who does this, is building resilience and the odds of their being successful as a writer (whatever their definition of success happens to be.)

Can you think of something worth celebrating in your writing practice recently?

  • Read a story that inspired you?
  • Opened your journal and wrote honestly for ten minutes?
  • Opened an old project and thought “hey, this isn’t half bad?”
  • Added words to a new project?
  • Revised an existing project?
  • Researched a publishing opportunity?
  • Told someone “I’m a writer”?

Why not take a deep breath, screw up your courage and share your ‘win’ here?

Building A Better Writing Practice

Listen…do you want to know a secret?

This week I share what worked from StoryADay May this year, including our secret weapon, the warm up and brainstorming exercises.

00:09: Inspiration from Unlikely Sources

04:31 Encouragement from Writing Friends

07:12 Building a Supportive Writing Community

10:28 Back to Fundamentals: Improving Your Writing Practice

11:58 Warm-Up and Brainstorming Exercises

20:40 Resources and Programs for Writers

24:43 Upcoming Topics and Conclusion


The StoryADay Challenge Handbook:

Other Help for Improving Your Writing Life

Download the Short Story Framework:

Take the 3-Day Challenge

Sign up for the StoryAWeek Newsletter

Take the I, WRITER Course

Join the Superstars Group

Coaching with Julie

The Courageous Writer

There are too many terrible people finding success as writers. Get your writing out there, to counter-balance their suckiness with your amazingness!

In a week when a(nother) rockstar writer is falling from their pedestal, I made a case for the rest of us being brave enough to complete and release our work into the world; to flood the reading public with good options, and not worry about what might happen if we accidentally become successful.



The StoryADay Challenge Handbook:

Other Help for Improving Your Writing Life

Download the Short Story Framework:

Take the 3-Day Challenge

Sign up for the StoryAWeek Newsletter

Take the I, WRITER Course

Join the Superstars Group

Coaching with Julie

Character Needs – A Writing Prompt

A writing prompt all about character needs, to make your storytelling compelling

Characters need to need something. They need to want something. Otherwise, it’s just a series of things happening to a character…and readers won’t care.

In this episode I share a writing prompt and lesson from my year-long email series, StoryAWeek, which you can start today,all about creating a story in which a character needs something.

I also talk about creating suspense in creative and marketing writing, and about why it’s so important to build a writing practice.

Mary Robinette Kowal interview


StoryADay Challenge Handbook

Other Help for Improving Your Writing Life

Download the Short Story Framework:

Take the 3-Day Challenge

Sign up for the StoryAWeek Newsletter

Take the I, WRITER Course

Join the Superstars Group

Coaching with Julie

More Joy, In Your Writing Life

Want more joy and less angst, in your writing life?

I have some suggestions, that will helo you create and stick to a writing practice that works for you, right now.


StoryADay Handbook:

BJ Fogg’s Tiny Habits: (affiliate link) Joy

Other Ways To Increase Your Joy Around Writing

Download the Short Story Framework:

Take the 3-Day Challenge

Sign up for the StoryAWeek Newsletter

Take the I, WRITER Course

Join the Superstars Group

Coaching with Julie

How to Be A Productive Writer in 2024

It’s one of the great writing mysteries…

Why can you write so well during challenges like StoryADay May but struggle to motivate yourself outside challenges?

In this episode I dig into why challenges work AND how you can create and refine your own processes for replicating that success in your writing life.


StoryADay Challenge Handbook:

Other Ways To Increase Your Joy Around Writing

Download the Short Story Framework:

Take the 3-Day Challenge

Sign up for the StoryAWeek Newsletter

Take the I, WRITER Course

Join the Superstars Group

Coaching with Julie