101 – Windy Lynn Harris & Short Fiction

Apologies that the audio is a little crackly on this one, but it’s worth sticking with, to hear the infectiously enthusiastic Windy Lynn Harris and me, gabbing about the joy of short fiction.

Windy Lynn Harris is the author of Writing & Selling Short Stories & Personal Essays (Writer’s Digest Books, 2017)

Another new episode of Write Every Day, Not “Some Day”

099 – Jane Friedman & The Business of Being A Writer

Today I interview publishing industry expert Jane Friedman (www.janefriedman.com) whose new book The Business Of Being A Writer is billed as ‘the business education you never got’, for writers.

We discuss what writers should do when they want to go pro, the myth of the overnight success, the nature of ‘work’ and networking for introverts! Continue reading “099 – Jane Friedman & The Business of Being A Writer”

041 – Accountability – SWAGr for Oct 2016 with guest Monique Cuillerier

It’s the first of the month, and that means it’s Serious Writer’s Accountability Group day at StoryADay.org.


Spend fifteen minutes with me and Monique Cuillerier, a long time StoryADay community member, as we talk about writing, routines, and why she turns up for SWAGr month after month.


You can find Monique online at NotWhereILive.com and on Twitter @moniqueac


Another new episode of Write Every Day, Not “Some Day”