5 thoughts on “What Is The StoryADay May Challenge?”
This is my first time doing Story A Day and I have written a short story every day in May. I use the prompts about 90% of the time. Here is my story from May 29 about including a secret message. I was feeling like I ate too much lunch when I wrote this.
I am In Charge of Food (1, 2, 3, 4, 5 …)
By Jennifer Vandenberg
You and I will travel to exciting new worlds.
I will bring lots of snacks, so we don’t get hungry.
If you get thirsty, I will give you milk and soda.
We won’t get fat if we exercise along the way.
The spaceship has gravity if we remember to flip the right switch.
I’m in charge of food; you can be in charge of switches
Learn the manual well because you don’t want to flip the wrong switch
They all look alike, but one will stop the engines and throw us off course.
If we are off course, we will end up eating too much fuel.
Then we will never reach those exciting new worlds, so be careful.
I will make sure you never get hungry or thirsty much because I am in charge of the food.
Wrote a story entitled “Ten Close Encounters of the Wild Kind” true stories of some of the creatures I ran into while I was living in Chugiak, Alaska from 1995-2005 (ten years) including moose, bear, raven, eagle, beaver, porcupine, salmon, dogs, linx, and the Northern Lights even though they were not a living creature. This story is over 5000 words at this point…
This is my first time doing Story A Day and I have written a short story every day in May. I use the prompts about 90% of the time. Here is my story from May 29 about including a secret message. I was feeling like I ate too much lunch when I wrote this.
I am In Charge of Food (1, 2, 3, 4, 5 …)
By Jennifer Vandenberg
You and I will travel to exciting new worlds.
I will bring lots of snacks, so we don’t get hungry.
If you get thirsty, I will give you milk and soda.
We won’t get fat if we exercise along the way.
The spaceship has gravity if we remember to flip the right switch.
I’m in charge of food; you can be in charge of switches
Learn the manual well because you don’t want to flip the wrong switch
They all look alike, but one will stop the engines and throw us off course.
If we are off course, we will end up eating too much fuel.
Then we will never reach those exciting new worlds, so be careful.
I will make sure you never get hungry or thirsty much because I am in charge of the food.
I’m so glad to hear you’re writing every day. And I found the message 🙂
Wrote a story entitled “Ten Close Encounters of the Wild Kind” true stories of some of the creatures I ran into while I was living in Chugiak, Alaska from 1995-2005 (ten years) including moose, bear, raven, eagle, beaver, porcupine, salmon, dogs, linx, and the Northern Lights even though they were not a living creature. This story is over 5000 words at this point…
Tried this in 2018 and completed a total of… one half story! I’m going to try it again this year and try to break my record!
Just think, if you write a whole story you’ll have doubled your output!! Who could resist that stat?!