This month’s theme at StoryADay is about finding support in our writing lives, and that has me thinking about connection.
I have this thesis that writing is all about connections: connecting with another person (your reader)’s brain; connecting with the writers who inspired you; connecting with other people working in your genre; connecting with your past and future selves; connecting with the great web of human experience on this planet.
So today I want you to write a story that touches on some of these things.

The Prompt
Write A Story About Connections
- This story could be about one significant connection (or missed connection) or it could be a series of interlocking or parallel connections.
- You might write a story like the movie “Sliding Doors” where multiple possibilities hinge on the decision of a moment.
- You might write three different people’s stories, all of them making different kinds of connections, and examining how each decision impacts their futures (or pasts, if it’s that kind of story).
- Use your brainstorming time to think about the kinds of connections you value and how you get support from the people in your life. How does each type of connection make you feel? What do you miss? How can you convey the emotions that come up, in a story?
- For bonus points, post in the comments here and find a friend to write a joint-story with. You could alternate lines, or brainstorm together, or each take one section of the story.
If you share you story somewhere (and here’s why you might not want to) post a link here so we can come and read it.
Did you write today? How did you get on? Who did you write about? Leave a comment!
Original Photo by Bernard Spragg