The Latchkey Kid – A Writing Prompt from Jerry B. Jenkins

You’re back! It’s Day 2 of StoryADay May 2017 and you’re still here. That’s pretty impressive (believe me, not everyone makes it!)

Today’s prompt is from uber-best-selling author Jerry B. Jenkins. Check out the links below for more (free!)  writing advice from Jerry.

The Prompt

A socially awkward girl in her early teens is a latchkey kid, alone at home after school as usual. Flipping through channels she lands on one she soon realizes only she can see—and it’s from the future.

About Jerry B Jenkins

Jerry B. Jenkins has written over 190 books with sales of more than 70 million copies. He’s had 21 New York Times bestsellers, including the Left Behind series. He now shares his writing knowledge with aspiring authors. To get free writing training from Jerry, click here:
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15 thoughts on “The Latchkey Kid – A Writing Prompt from Jerry B. Jenkins”

  1. Oh my … what fun I had with this one … once again… I see a series of short stories! Trying to decide if it will be my submission for May – Magazine director as well as contributor … decisions before the May 5th deadline!

    Downtown LA Life International Online Magazine – check us out at – we are arts, entertainment, culture, history, literature and poetry … we have a 5 million per month readership worldwide.

  2. I had two ideas that arose from this prompt. Both put the main character in jeopardy to some extent. I decided to treat the young lady more kindly than the second option would have lead. I think the world we now live in influences my writing. This time, I decided to give the story a happier ending than my first idea would have led to. We need more happy endings.

  3. This prompt gave me a lot of directions to go, but I wasn’t really happy with how each direction looked. By the end of the day, the best I could manage was a few paragraphs with a summary of how the rest of the story would work.

    That still meets my goals for the month (at least outline a story a day, finish 31 stories this month). But that’s what this is for; push me and get me to stretch.

  4. Doing alright so far.

    Because of time zone differences, I published yesterday’s story a little after midnight, but it was still the 2nd in some parts of the world, so that counts!

    I’m not sure if I’m worn out from the A to Z Challenge or just not thinking right, but my creative spark feels a bit dulled. I’ve written two stories so far, but neither of them really pushed the prompt in a new direction. I’m hoping I can find my groove soon.

    1. I wouldn’t worry too much about the time difference. Just make a “Day” whatever makes sense to you.

      You are a sucker for punishment, coming here straight from the A-Z Challenge, but good for you! And allow yourself some days where you are just checking a box. Gradually you’ll come back to days when the writing lights up again.

  5. So far so good, I’ve achieved my objective of writing every day. Day one I used the prompt to outline a short story which I can come back to.
    Today I’ve freestyled and finished my latest novel chapter and made a start on my new short story I’m aiming at a competition by the end of May.

  6. The first prompt yesterday really got my creative juices flowing, persuading me to write something a bit out of my comfort zone, and I am already looking forward to engaging with today’s offering. And, there could be 29 more prompts following this one that keep getting exponentially better (no pressure, really :-)).

    But, it is the 4 minutes and 5 seconds of your video clip this morning that has already made this endeavor absolutely priceless for me. I am what some would call an aspiring author. I have a complete manuscript and have managed to get caught up in the details and logistics of getting it published. All the while, I have been keeping to writing at least ten to fifteen short stories per month for this calendar year.

    But, it wasn’t until I really listened to your words this morning and how you phrased them that I began to fully appreciate exactly why I’ve been able to endure and persist through the reams of “no thank-you” and rejections that have been filling my inbox. It’s because I am doing what I love. Every single day. By writing stories, expressing emotions, and hopefully connecting with other people, I have been doing and continue to do what makes me happy and at peace with myself.

    Thank you for sharing your inspiring gift and encouragement, Julie. I am sure I speak for everyone when I say that your words, both spoken and written, provide perspective that can change an “aspiring” author’s outlook in a way that convinces him to drop the aspiring part and realize that you don’t have to be published to be an author.

    1. Dave, thank you for taking the time to write this. It means SO much to me! I’m thrilled you’re dropping the “aspiring” and claiming your true identity!!

    2. Beautifully put, Dave. I totally agree, and Julie, I’ve found your videos really helpful so far. Like Dave, today’s really got to me because of your words about how important it is to do what you love simply because it energizes you and makes you happy. It’s important to be reminded of that. Thanks, Julie!

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