More ways for you to steal ideas, as we continue Rescue Week here at StoryADay
The Prompt
Write a Fan Fiction Story
- While you can’t legally use somebody else’s world and characters to write a story and publish it, nothing is stopping you from writing stories for your own pleasure inspired by someone else’s universes.
- There is no limits to what you can do here. Pick a story or character you feel doesn’t get enough air time in your favorite show.
- Change the ending to the series that you love.
- Write the untold story of what came before we first meet character.
- Tell whatever story is going to give you the most pleasure.
- There are lots of places online where people share fanfic (sometimes with the creators’ blessings, sometimes not so much), so you could go and read something and get some idea. However, this is a rabbit hole I’m not sure you want to go down during the StoryADay challenge. Not to mention the fact that some of it gets quite saucy!
- Use all of the tricks you’ve learned about storytelling to play with characters you already love you. Spend some time with them using your talents and your skills along with the knowledge you have amassed by watching/reading about them.
- Think about how you can provide shortcuts and clues that let readers who don’t necessarily know the character catch up. Don’t waste time on backstory unless that’s the story you’re telling. Don’t forget to add in emotion and conflict.
- It can be easy to get carried away writing about your favorite characters. Don’t forget to builds to a climax resolve the crisis to finish the story.
Leave a comment letting us know what you wrote about today and how it’s going. And don’t forget, if you like these prompts, share them!