What To Write, Today

Know you want to write, but can’t get started? Why not start a fun project, just for you?

:: LINKS::

This episode: https://storyaday.org/episode237

@faithbougan’s tweet: https://twitter.com/FaithBoughan/status/1481844112546484225

Writing Prompt: https://storyaday.org/wow-irritable

Writing About Anger: https://storyaday.org/write-on-wednesday-anger/

Finding writing ideas: https://storyaday.org/finding-writing-ideas/

Breaking Writers’ Block ebook: https://amzn.to/3fGItKJ

The 3-Day Challenge: https://storyaday.org/3dc

The article that goes along with this podcast episode

Ready to write today, not “some day”?

Are You An Overly-Emotional Creative?

I saw a tweet this week, asking ‘am I overly-emotional because I’m a writer, or a writer because I’m overly-emotional?” I have some thoughts…


This tweet, from author AD Graves, got me thinking (shared with permission) 

A link to this episode: https://storyaday.org/episode235

Take The 3-Day Challenge

Subscribe to the podcast

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Stripping It Back

Writing your bio and summaries of your work causes authors all kinds of angst, but I have good news: you’re probably trying to do too much and be too clever…and this comes to our writing lives too. It’s time to strip it all back to the essentials.


This episode: https://storyaday.org/episode234

Write Your Bio & Summary Workshop: https://storyaday.mykajabi.com/join-workshop


Ready to write today, not “some day”?

You Are Unique – Bring It On

Setting writing goals for next year includes reflecting on what we’ve achieved in the past. In this episode I invite you to expand your definition of ‘success’ and talk about Stephen Sondheim. I also encourage you to see moments of frustration as signposts.


Annual Planning Bundle

3-Day Challenge

Ready to write today, not “some day”?

Start Building Your Bio PLUS A Writing Prompt from Michael X. Wang

If you don’t know what to write in your bio…steal!

Plus a writing prompt from Michael X. Wang, author of the short story collection “Further News of Defeat”


The Writing Prompt: https://storyaday.org/2021-day-12/

Michael X. Wang’s “Further News of Defeat”: https://stada.me/mxwang

The 3-Day Challenge, a short story course: https://storyaday.org/3dc



Ready to write today, not “some day”?

Selling Yourself, Selling Your Work

You have to talk about yourself and your work. I’m sorry if that makes you uncomfortable. The good news? If you can give yourself permission, you CAN learn to do this.


3 Day Challenge

Write Your Author Bio & Story Summary Essentials Guide

Find out more about the podcast including more episodes

Scenes vs Summary

What is the difference between writing a scene and writing a summary and when should you do each? I’m sharing notes from my upcoming workshop on that topic, in this episode. Learn why it’s important to write scenes not just summary. And learn when to use them.

Register for the workshop
Take the 3-Day Challenge
Find the story ‘Escape from the Dysphesiac People’ by Brandon Hobson in The Best American Short Stories 2021
Million Dollar Outlines by David Farland
(These book links help support indie bookstore Reads & Company in Pennsylvania)

Ready to write today, not “some day”?

7 Revision Myths for Writer – Busted!

Seven peices of ‘advice’ you NEVER need to hear again, on the topic of revision. Come with me on a myth-busting adventure.

Plus a writing prompt called The Post-Modern Pop Song


This episode: storyaday.org/episode228

3-Day Challenge: storyday.org/3dc

The Writing Prompt: https://stada.me/prompt-pop

Ready to write today, not “some day”?

Fearless Feedback

Sharing your writing with other can be fabulous, but also a scary and, occasionally, can dent a writer’s confidence. This episode shows you how to give and recieve critique in a way that will make you and your writing stronger.

This week’s writing prompt: write a story in three sections about two characters who love each other. (at 32 minute mark)


StoryADay’s Critique Week: https://storyaday.org/critique

Ready to write today, not “some day”?

Preparing to Rework your Writing

Now that you have a stack of stories, what do you do with them? There’s a lot to the next part of the process, and I’m here to break it down into manageable steps for you.


Superstars Full Payment: https://stada.me/superstars-full

Superstars Payment Plan: https://stada.me/superstars-pp

3-Day Challenge: storyday.org/3dc

Ready to write today, not “some day”?

Workshop is a Verb – Gabriela Pereira and DIYMFA Part 2

Gabriela Pereira of DIYMFA talks about her belief that you don’t go to a workshop, you workshop writing and what that looks like in her DIYMFA community.


Gabriela’s free series

Writing Prompt

The StoryADay 3-Day Workshop

Gabriela Pereira and DIYMFA Pt. 1 Plus a writing prompt from Caroline Kim

How is writing like a martial art or a Montesorri school? Find out in my interview with DIYMFA’s Gabriela Pereira

And stay tuned for my thoughts on Caroline Kim’s prompt for the StoryADay Challenge


Caroline Kim’s Writing Prompt

Register for Gabriela’s workshop

Take the 3-Day Challenge

Keep Writing Until It Gets Weird

Going from week 2 to week 3 of the challenge, something wonderful happens…things start to get weird, and it becomes about ‘getting it done’ not ‘making it good’. And that is a gift.


This week’s writing prompt, from Roxane Gay: https://storyaday.org/2021-day-07

The 3 Day Challenge: https://storyaday.org/3dc

Ready to write today, not “some day”?

StoryADay Sept Week 1

What are you learning about writing in this, week 1, of the StoryADay September challenge, 2021?

Let’s talk…

PLUS my extended notes on last week’s writing prompt from award-winning writer Fran Wilde.


Join the Challenge+ https://stada.me/challengeplus

Fran Wilde Prompt: https://storyaday.org/2021-day-01

3-Day Challenge: https://storyaday.org/3dc

Ready to write today, not “some day”?

Who do you think you are?

There are so many easy excuses for not writing, not taking part in challenges, not joining groups…even when we know they’d help. In this episode I encourage you to dismantle those excuses and let yourself be a happy writer, instead.


StoryADay Superstars: https://members.storyaday.org/join-superstars

Writing prompt: https://storyaday.org/wow-extra-help

StoryADay September sign up: https://storyaday.org/signup

Ready to write today, not “some day”?

Other Writers’ Brains plus a writing prompt from Premee Mohamed

Writing can be a solitary act, but being a writer can’t be. In this episode I celebrate all the knowledge we have at our fingertips AND the generosity of writers.

Includes a writing prompt from writer Premee Mohamed.


Premee Mohamed’s Writing Prompt (Text) https://storyaday.org/20-mohamed/

Buy Premee Mohamed’s books: https://stada.me/racpremee

Join me at a 5-Day Retreat in Pennsylvania: https://stada.me/5day2021

Ready to write today, not “some day”?

6 Ways Writing Prompts Help Your Writing

If you’re serious about your writing, doesn’t it seem like you should be working on your novel or the story-you-want-to-get-published rather than messing about with writing prompts?

Respectfully, no.

Using writing prompts has many benefits, if you’re getting good prompts and you know how to use them.



Writing prompts: https://storyaday.org/category/inspiration/writing-prompts/

The 3-Day Challenge: https://storyaday.org/3dc

Ready to write today, not “some day”?

A Tale of Two Simones

If Simone Biles can get Gymnast’s Block, and Simone Manuel can get Swimmer’s Block, can we stop staying Writer’s Block isn’t real? 

In this episode I talk about performance, confidence, skills and why we need to start being kind to ourselves.

Also includes a writing prompt that puts your character in an uncomfortable situation.


John Burns Murdoch’s Tweet Thread: https://twitter.com/jburnmurdoch/status/1420026131604979719

Babies belly-laughing: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L49VXZwfup8

Animal friendships: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7c0CyjhwtGg

Ready to write today, not “some day”?

Jack of All Trades?

What are you working on right now, and how do you work? Do you flit between projects or knuckle down and master each skill? That’s what I’m talking about this week on the podcast.
Also, I talk a little about the new Kindle Vella project…


Join The 3 Day Challenge

My latest column at WriterUnboxed: https://stada.me/wu8

Ready to write today, not “some day”?

Mid Year Review

This week I encourage you to look at your writing plans for this year and revise your goals. I also talk about putting some structure into your writing life in order to make it easier to get to the fun parts!

This week’s writing prompt is all about character.


Annual planning documents: https://storyaday.org/annualplan

Your Writing Life Series: https://stada.me/writinglifeclass

Ready to write today, not “some day”?

Give Yourself A Break

It may seem strange after telling you to write a story a day but I think you should slow down and start thinking about maximums. What is a reasonable amount for you to write every day that you can sustain day after day? Why does this matter?

Greg McKeown’s book “Effortless” – http://stada.me/effortless
Writing Prompt: https://storyaday.org/wow-big-desire/
Shiny Objects Lesson: https://storyaday.org/shiny-objects/
StoryADay 3-Day Challenge: https://storyaday.org/3dc

What To Write Next

Part II of the StoryADay debrief process, which helps you assess what you learned during the challenge and what to focus on next. This process is useful after any big writing project or push, so don’t skip this episode, even if you didn’t take part in the StoryADay Challenge


Comment on this episode here: https://storyaday.org/episode211

Get a printable version of these questions: https://storyaday.org/debrief

Last week’s episode: https://storyaday.org/episode210

Ready to write today, not “some day”?

Refining The Process

After the challenge it’s useful to capture all the lessons you learned. In this podcast I take you through an exercise for doing that, and give you the Challenge Plus version of today’s writing prompt.


Need a little more support as you transition out of the challenge month?

Try the 3-Day Challenge. Prompts, videos, short story lessons: https://storyaday.org/3DC

Ready to write today, not “some day”?

Working with Writing Prompts

How to keep going as we enter Week 2 of the StoryADay May challenge (hint: it’s about purpose); and how to work with writing prompts.


Writing Prompt (The Bridge): https://storyaday.org/2021-day-01

Writing Prompt (A Happy Story): https://storyaday.org/2021-day-07

Writing Prompt (Scenario): https://storyaday.org/2021-day-08

Story: The PILGRIM’s Guide To Mars by Monique Cuillerier: https://www.diabolicalplots.com/dp-fiction-75a-the-pilgrims-guide-to-mars-by-monique-cuillerier/

Ready to write today, not “some day”?