Welcome to Day 1 of StoryADay 2022!
I’m sure you’re nervous and excited and eager to get on with it, so I’ll just say good luck, be good to yourself, never worry that you’re ‘failing’ because someone is doing something different from you (are you writing at all? Then you’re learning what you need to know!).
Keep reading to the end to find out what to do with that Bingo Sheet..
The Prompt
Write a story with 2 characters eating a meal together, who want different things
Limiting the setting and the number of characters is a quick’n’dirty way to keep your story from growing into the opening of a novel (not guaranteed, but…).
With two characters and one setting (a meal table) you are limited to focusing on these characters.
You can write this as a dialogue or allow the characters’ phsyical reactions tell the reader what they are feeling and thinking (how the character fidgets in their seat, what they pick up and put down, what they look at).
Remember that even if the characters want two different things, they will both believe they are right and have valid reasons for wanting what they want.
(They may even want the same thing, but have different approaches to achieving the goal: i. e. they want to keep their child safe, but for one that means letting them go on the school field trip with their friends, for the other, it might mean keeping them at home, away from physical danger).
Remember that people are rarely clear on what they want (or why they want it) so a conversation between two people gets messy quickly. Play with that.
Julie Duffy
Julie Duffy is a writer and the founder and director of StoryADay. When not working on her own writing or hanging out with the fine folks at StoryADay, she can be found playing board games, or music, or finding a quiet corner in which to read and/or knit. She looks forward to traveling again.
Bingo Pieces
Here’s your first Bingo Piece. Download the pic, print it out and paste it onto your bingo sheet. Then share a picture of it on social media with #storyadaybingo
I know, 31 days of this is going to be a lot of wasted paper, but you can use the scraps as book marks, places to catch story sparks, opportunities for origami…and more
Or you can use your fave image editing software to add layers to this image.
But I think rewarding yourself every day with a bit of scissors-and-glue hands-on crafting, is a much better idea!
Join the discussion: what will you do with today’s prompt OR how did it go? Need support? Post here!
Please note, I do not recommend posting your whole story in the comments here, for various reasons. Best Practice ; post about your experience of writing the story, or share an excerpt.