The Prompt
Use this as the first line of your story: “Every journey begins with the tears of kings.”
This can be taken literally as a story about a tragedy that’s befallen a king, or a searing indictment of the crocodile tears rulers use to start wars; or you can use this as a metaphor: instead of an actual physical journey, maybe it’s a journey of the soul.
Fleet Sparrow
Fleet Sparrow is a queer, genderless writer living in the Los Angeles area who makes zir financial living moving freight and zir creative living writing. Perhaps, one day, the twain shall meet.
Join the discussion: what will you do with today’s prompt OR how did it go? Need support? Post here!
P.S. I haven’t forgotten about the bingo card. If you’re still faithfully filling in your gameboard, snap a picture and send it to me here for a chance to get some real-world mail from me.
Don’t forget, I’ll be reviewing pieces of some of your stories live, tonight at 7 pm Eastern US.
Watch your inbox for a Zoom link about an hour before the call, or you can simply follow along on YouTube