Today I was pretty happy with the very short story I wrote. When I got to the end I discovered something interesting, which I share in this video.
Also: now’s a great time to assess what went well last week and what you’ll keep/do differently during this coming week of the challenge (I talk about this, too, in this video)
Today I wrote badly and learned some things. I also got to hangout with the StoryADay Superstars and talk about writing, and it was moving, and inspired.
Hey you: if you’re reading this and writing at all: you’re pretty unusual and you’re pretty amazing.
Catch up with the first week of StoryADay May 2023 through the experiences of founder and writer, Julie Duffy
On this episode of the podcast I update you on how my StoryADay challenge is going this year, in the hopes that I’ll inspire you to get or keep going too!
Subscribe to the daily series here:
00:00 StADa287 Five Days In May 01:14 D 04:40 Day 2 09:56 Day 3 13:41 Day 4 17:26 Day 5 21:21 Wrap up
And finally a remainder that know you can support this podcast, if you would like to, which some people have asked me about and to do that, you go to, and you can make a one-time or recurring donation to keep the show going. And I really appreciate your support. That’s it from me this week. Happy writing. And I’ll see you again soon.