We got together this morning for a writing sprint and to get some questions asked and answered, about the challenge.
Watch it now:
I know it was too early for some of you, but I opened up a Q&A session about StoryADay May this morning and recorded it, so you don’t have to miss out.
Some of the questions answered:
- When do the prompts arrive (and how)?
- Where do we comment?
- Should we post our stories somewhere?
- What are Story Sparks?
- What will the Fun-Size Challenge tasks be like?
- What if I ‘fail’?
You can watch me, and some veteran StoryADay writers, tackle these questions in the replay here or, if you’re subscribed to the StoryADay Podcast the audio version of it should show up in your feed today.
If you haven’t yet signed up to participate in the Classic Challenge or the Fun-Size Challenge, you can do that here.
(If you have signed up already you would have received a “Day 0” email from me, yesterday. No need to do anything further.)
If you don’t sign up, I can’t send you daily emails during the challenge, but you’ll still get my weekly(ish) notes of encouragement.
Still have questions? Post’em below.
Haven’t signed up yet? Get on that!