StoryADay September 2018 Week 1

Here we are at the start of StoryADay September 2018!

The Rules:

  • Set your own rules (why not leave them in the comments?): Decide whether you’re going to complete a story every single day, or every week day, or every Thursday…it’s up to you. Make your own rules, and stick to them!
  • Check in every day to find the (optional) writing prompt. Write a story to that prompt or to your own ideas.
  • Finish at least a messy first draft
  • Come back and leave a comment on that day’s post, to let everyone know how you got on, and to encourage others.

Here are the prompts for this week. Bookmark this page now and come back each day!

The Prompts

In September, I send out a weekly batch of prompts. Here are all the prompts for Week 1

That’s it for this week. I’ll be back on the 8th with the next batch of prompts for Week 2.

In the meantime, I’ll see you in the comments!

Keep writing,

Julie (signed)



PS Want email reminders throughout September? Sign up, below: