Today we’re concentrating on character. You love your main character…just don’t let them be too perfect!
021 – The Challenge Day 11
Today’s writing prompt is all about painting a vivid setting for your readers.
020 – The Challenge Day 10
Today I encourage you to try out the Ugly Duckling story structure: the big moment comes in the middle of the story and is balanced by events on either side…
018 – The Challenge Day 9
Today I encourage you to try out the Ugly Duckling story structure: the big moment comes in the middle of the story and is balanced by events on either side…
017 – The Challenge Day 8
A welcome to week two of the challenge, where we take a serious look at the Elements of Story. On this first day we look at what I call the “Cinderella Story Structure”. It’s a skeleton you can hang your own story on, fleshing it out with your own interests.
016 – The Challenge Day 7
Today you’ll write a story mostly or completely in dialogue.
015 – The Challenge Day 6
Today, I challenge you to write a story about a character as unlike yourself as you can imagine. With they be sympathetic? Will they be evil? What can you do with this prompt?
014 – The Challenge Day 5
Today’s prompt encourages you to write a story about a character who shares some similarities with you.
013 – The Challenge Day 4
Continuing this week’s theme of ‘Limits’, today I’m limiting you to a first-person point-of-view story.
012 – The Challenge Day 3
Today you’re going to write a story in 100 words
011 – The Challenge Day 2
This is a very silly prompt, but it always gets people writing!
010 – The Challenge Day 1
You’re doing it! Good for you!
Today’s episode is a pep talk and your first writing prompt. This week’s theme is “Limits”
You can leave a comment about today’s story here:
009 – Tips for a Successful Month of Writing
Julie shares her best tips from 6 years of Extreme Writing Challenges, for getting your writing done this month. Don’t turn off before the last tip…it’s the best!
Music credit: Alan McPike
008 – How To Write for a Month The StoryADay Way
Wondering how it’s possible to write a story a day for a month? 6 years’ worth of FAQs, condensed into one little podcast!
007 – How (and Why) To Write A StoryADay for a Month
It sounds like a crazy idea: trying to write a story a day every day for a month, and yet thousands of people have taken on this task every May since 2010. How? Why?
Listen and find out what your writing life will gain from giving it a try.
006 – Yes, You Should Write
In which I rant about the “professionalization” of entertainment and encourage you to rail against it.
005 – Giving Yourself Permission To Write
In this episode I talk about the many, many ways we are wrong when we tell ourselves we simply can’t write!
004 – How To Become A Highly Successful Writer
Make sure that your definition of ‘success’ for your writing is really YOUR definition of writing success. Don’t allow anyone else to tell you what success looks like!
Also covering: fifth grade failures; epic wins; a look forward to December 31.
003 – More Ways To Log Your Writing For Motivation
Last episode, we talked about logging your words, to motivate yourself to write more. This episode we look at other ways to log your progress for those times (e.g. when you’re editing a big project) when logging your (new) words is beyond depressing!
002 – Word Count Logging for Success
Last year I wrote 100,000 words of fiction (that’s on top of all the non-fiction writing, mothering, wife-ing and general living I got done).
In this episode I show you how to use word count logging to boost your writing output and to keep yourself accountable.
I also invite you to join us at the Serious Writers’ Accountability Group (SWAGr – we’re ‘serious’, not ‘sombre’!) at on the first of every month, to set your goals for the coming month and review how you got on last month.
001 – Don’t Let Guilt & Shame Derail Your Writing
Not living up to your writing resolutions? Learn how to harness guilt, dismiss shame, and focus on the things that will help you be more productive and creative.
WEDNS Podcast – 1.02 – Pracising Your Writing
Discipline and strength (mental and physical) are just as important to writers as talent and originality. But we’ll also talk about how to become an idea hamster and why Sir Isaac Newton hates you.
Plus a fairy-tale of a writing prompt!
WEDNS – 1.01 – The Importance Of Writing Every Day
Why not wait, and write “some day”? Spend 15 minutes with Julie Duffy, write and host of the StoryADay May challenge ( and find out why you should be writing NOW, not later.
Don’t Wait! Write Now!
This week’s writing assignment mines your memories of life at different stages.