087 – September Prompts for Week 2

It’s Week 2 of StoryADay September 2017 and I’m back with five prompts for you.


The Prompts [1:16]

Connecting With Other Writers [6:46]

The Checklist and a Survey [12:44]

Warm Wishes for your Writing [15:33]



The Survey: goo.gl/forms/O8fHSMfWAlDbrtBw2

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Another new episode of Write Every Day, Not “Some Day”

085 – Refilling The Well

This month’s theme at StoryADay is “Refilling The Well”, in which I encourage you to find many ways of rebooting your creativity…largely by taking a break from your writing.



Bookriot’s Best Books of 2017, So Far

The Nature Fix by Florence Williams (af)


Another new episode of Write Every Day, Not “Some Day”

084 – Learn To Love Revision

Now that StoryADay May is in the rear view mirror, it’s time to dig out some of your stories and see what you can do to spruce them up.

Now, before you panic, I have a whole episode for you on learning to love revision. Give it a listen. Your stories are worth it!

Another new episode of Write Every Day, Not “Some Day”

084 – Write About A Writer – the last prompt of StoryADay May 2017

in today’s prompt, you get a chance to write about a writer. This is not something I suggest often, but I think you’ve earned it.

Also: news about StoryFest 2017 (https://storyaday.org/storyfest-2017)


Find more about this prompt: https://storyaday.org/20170531-writer/

Another new episode of Write Every Day, Not “Some Day”

068 – The Protagonist’s Journal – a writing prompt

Today we continue diving deeply into your protagonist’s past with a story that takes place just before the story you really want to tell; or with a series of journal entries from the same time period.

The Prompt: https://storyaday.org/20170517-journal

Another new episode of Write Every Day, Not “Some Day”

067 – Turning point, a writing prompt

Today kicks off a week of prompts that are aimed at helping novelists spend part of this month deepening their understanding of a work in progress or a work-to-be. Of course, the prompts can all be used by short story writers too!

Today’s prompt encourages you to delve into the past of a protagonist in one of your stories (or novels) and unearth what makes them the way they are…

The Prompt: https://storyaday.org/20170516-turning-point

Another new episode of Write Every Day, Not “Some Day”