[Writing Prompt] World Building

Writing a story is more than just throwing some characters into a situation and seeing what happens. A good writer builds a whole world around the story of the characters. This is more than setting: it’s also the soundtrack, the slang people use, the color palette of the rooms, the social hierarchy hinted at… The … Continue reading “[Writing Prompt] World Building”

[Writing Prompt] Ageism

Today we’re going to take a look at a character from the perspective of age. The Prompt Write About A Character In A Different Age Group By “different age group” I mean either someone who is not the same age as you or someone of an age that you don’t normally write about. Also, you … Continue reading “[Writing Prompt] Ageism”

[Writing Prompt] Space

The Prompt Pick a spectacular or vivid interior space. Set your story in it, paying attention to the space and how it might shape your narrative. Tips: Perhaps your space is large and cavernous and something whispered at one end can be easily overheard at the other. Perhaps your hero is visiting his grandmother who … Continue reading “[Writing Prompt] Space”

[Writing Prompt] Slow It Down

Stories have settings, characters and action. Great! Easy. Let’s get writing! A-hem. One of the hard parts of writing is getting the pacing of a story correct. You need to slow things down and speed things up in the right places. It may seem counterintuitive but the place to speed up is often in the … Continue reading “[Writing Prompt] Slow It Down”

[Daily Prompt] May 23 – Before The Parade Passes By

I spent Saturday afternoon at a small town annual parade here in the eastern part of the US. There were marching bands, local civic organizations and even Mummers from Philadelphia. Small towns breed all kinds of stories and traditions and secrets. They are ripe settings for stories, especially when you set your story in or … Continue reading “[Daily Prompt] May 23 – Before The Parade Passes By”

Ideas! Ideas! Finding Writing Ideas For Your Short Story

Some days finding ideas is easier than others.

On the days where the story ideas are flowing, stick a bucket under the spigot and catch them all. You’ll need them later. Here are some prompts to get that idea spigot to open. Get ready with your notebook…

!LP Friday Freebie

Friday Freebie Download your Friday Freebie from stroyADay adn get inspired for a wekeend of writing. Enter your email address below, then check your inbox for instructions.   DOWNLOAD Discover More StoryADay Support FIND OUT MORE Treat yourself …to a self-paced, online writing retreat where I’ll walk you through the key elements of successful short … Continue reading “!LP Friday Freebie”

!LP Writer’s Manifesto Emma 5

Reveal Your Fairy Art Parents You’re probably overwhelmed with offers of writing freebies right now.  Use this manifesto to help you cut through the noise and take advantage of only the offers that align with your values and priorities. Sign up below and I’ll send you the definitive guide to making great creative decisions today and … Continue reading “!LP Writer’s Manifesto Emma 5”

!LP writer code 1

Days Hours The WRITER Code Masterclass Get Started with the WRITER Code https://s3.amazonaws.com/StoryADay/cleansweep/Launch+Materials/WRITER+Code+-+Superstars+-+2023/The+WRITER+Code+2023+++Pt+1.mp4 DOWNLOAD THE STORY SPARKS CATCHER If you came here from a link and haven’t registered yet for the whole masterclass, make sure you’re on the list  Getting Started With The Writer Code (click to expand)) Welcome to the StoryADay WRITER Code Masterclass. … Continue reading “!LP writer code 1”

Day 2 – AT Greenblatt Wants You To Go Somewhere New

The Prompt Write a story or a scene in a setting you have never used before. It can be somewhere you have been or somewhere you have always wanted to go. It can be real or imagined. The goal is to try something new. The Author A.T. Greenblatt is a mechanical engineer by day and a writer by … Continue reading “Day 2 – AT Greenblatt Wants You To Go Somewhere New”