Sept 8 – Tension Tuesday

Hi, I’m Malcolm and welcome Tension Tuesdays! Every story needs tension, it’s what keeps the reader guessing and turning the pages. Tension can take many forms, positive or negative.  This week we start with the negative – conflict. In every story there must be conflict. Possibly not all out war or physical violence, but different … Continue reading “Sept 8 – Tension Tuesday”

May 13 – Limits: 100 Words or “Drabbles”

Ready for another break? This exercise is ‘easier’ than writing a 5,000 word story, only because it takes a little less time. It does, however, take a lot more time than any average 100 words in the middle of a longer story. Crafting a complete story in 100 words is not easy. It is, however, … Continue reading “May 13 – Limits: 100 Words or “Drabbles””

May 7 – The Object of the Story

The Prompt Look at a museum’s website. Find an object. Or an object in the background of a painting. Think about its significance to the culture it belonged to. Write a story about a character in a culture that values such things (real or imagined). Tips If you know a lot about a particular historical … Continue reading “May 7 – The Object of the Story”

How To Write A StoryADay in May Without Burning Out

Writing a story a day is hard. No doubt about it. In fact, I had long been scared to commit to writing a novel, but after completing my first StoryADay back in 2010, I said, “Surely writing the same story every day for a month has to be easier than that!” and plunged into NaNoWriMo later that year … Continue reading “How To Write A StoryADay in May Without Burning Out”

From Idea To Story: 7 Ways To Develop Great Stories From Sparks

So far this week we’ve talked about How To Decide What To Write and How To Justify Your Writing Time (To Your Friends and To Yourself). Now that you’re all keyed up to write, we turn to the tricky question of how to take all your good ideas and turn them into story drafts. From Idea … Continue reading “From Idea To Story: 7 Ways To Develop Great Stories From Sparks”

Turning Off That Pesky Editor – An Interview with Marian Allen

Today we’re taking tips from Marian Allen, author, publisher and repeat-StoryADay-participant. StADa: When did you first participate in StoryADay May? MA: I heard about StoryADayMay in 2013. I did 2013 and 2014 and I’m looking forward to 2015. ~cracks knuckles~ StADa: Tell us a little about your successes in the past few years. MA: The first year, … Continue reading “Turning Off That Pesky Editor – An Interview with Marian Allen”

[Write On Wednesday] An Argument

Today I was writing a scene for a longer story in which my fish-out-of-water character comes up against people she has befriended but disagrees with. It’s very difficult for her to do this, and it was so much fun to write, that I’m recommending you try something similar. The Prompt Write A Story Centered Around … Continue reading “[Write On Wednesday] An Argument”

[Write On Wednesday] Home Town Tales

This prompt is inspired by the book 44 Scotland Street by Alexander McCall Smith and by the Prairie Home Companion Lake Wobegon stories, both of which tell small (and sometimes tall) tales in sometimes-unrelated episodes, but all of which happen in and around the same setting. The Prompt Write a flash fiction piece about a … Continue reading “[Write On Wednesday] Home Town Tales”

Ready, Set…StoryADay May Is Almost Here!

It’s Almost Here! The 5th Annual StoryADay May starts tomorrow, with a writing prompt from award-winning novelist Neil Gaiman. In the the last few hours before the challenge lots of people hear about it, lots of people sign up, and lots of people start giggling nervously and thinking “what have I done?”. Here are some … Continue reading “Ready, Set…StoryADay May Is Almost Here!”


Do You Need A Speaker? If you need a speaker who understands writers, has a deep and long-term knowledge of the revolutions shaking the world of publishing, and the ability to inspire everyday creativity in people who are looking for a fulfilling writing life, contact Julie, using the form below. About Julie Duffy is the … Continue reading “Speaking”

[Write On Wednesday] At The Gym

The Write On Wednesday story prompts are designed to prompt quickly-written stories that you can share in the comments. It’s a warm-up exercise, to loosen up your creativity muscles. Come back every Wednesday to see a new prompt or subscribe. It’s that time of year again. Everyone’s made their New Year Resolutions and they’re all … Continue reading “[Write On Wednesday] At The Gym”

[Write on Wednesday] Fun With Vitriol

Ever hated a place? I mean really hated it? I’ve been reading a few books recently where a character pours his emotions about his life and everything in it, into his description of where he is. The authors used the character to write passionate, scathing, vitriolic critiques of the places. Reading them gave me a … Continue reading “[Write on Wednesday] Fun With Vitriol”

[Write on Wednesday] – Mnemosyne Remembered

Hollywood is all about the ‘reboot’ these days: taking familiar characters from fairy tales and comics and even TV series, and telling their stories again, in a new way. It seemed only appropriate to ask you to write a story that features Mnemosyne, Greek titan, mother of the nine muses, and the figure responsible for … Continue reading “[Write on Wednesday] – Mnemosyne Remembered”

[Write On Wednesday] Changing Seasons

I don’t know about you, but where I live, the season has definitely changed. A month or so ago, the weather was changeable, spring-like and hanging on to the old season. Now we are fully into the next season: hot, humid, and surrounded by school-free kids running wild through the backyards. The Prompt Set a … Continue reading “[Write On Wednesday] Changing Seasons”

[Write On Wednesday] Location As Character

Sherlock Holmes has Victorian London. John Irving has New England. John O’Hara’s short stories couldn’t work without their small-town Pennsylvania backdrop. Even fantasy settings need to feel real in order to succeed (think Middle Earth, or Earthsea, or Deep Space Nine). So today we’re going to practise writing stories in which the location is as … Continue reading “[Write On Wednesday] Location As Character”

[Write On Wednesday] Story Sparks

“Where do you get your ideas?” Every established writer has a tale to tell about being asked that question. Some of them lie and tell people they order them from an Idea store. Some wearily answer that they think really hard until the ideas come. Still others joyfully shout that ideas are everywhere, what are you crazy? … Continue reading “[Write On Wednesday] Story Sparks”

17 Ways For Writers To Use Pinterest

Intro: What Is Pinterest? Pinterest is a bookmarking site that lets you save images, rather than text links. Find a page (or picture) you like on the web, ‘pin’ it and add one of its images to a visual pinboard Pinterest is also a social network: find interesting images and links based on what friends … Continue reading “17 Ways For Writers To Use Pinterest”

[Write On Wednesday] How to Use Pinterest To Write A Short Story

Don’t even think of telling me you can’t think of anything to write. Not with a site like Pinterest at your fingertips. What is Pinterest? It’s a virtual scrapbook where people grab and save images from the web, all neatly categorized and ready for your browsing pleasure. It’s like looking over the shoulder of everyone … Continue reading “[Write On Wednesday] How to Use Pinterest To Write A Short Story”

[Write On Wednesday] Six Sentences

This week’s prompt comes with a built-in market to submit your work to after you’re finished: Six Sentences. I subscribe to their daily stories by email and I often find it inspiring to wake up to a micro-story written by someone else. Surely, my brain says to me, you could manage a story in six … Continue reading “[Write On Wednesday] Six Sentences”

[Write On Wednesday] A Letter To A Friend

Sometimes, while writing, I get hung up on my style. (Am I using too many adverbs? Am I describing the setting vividly enough? Even if it doesn’t mattter?) This is an absolute killer for a first-draft of anything.  It’s fine to worry about these things in the editing process. The important  thing for a first … Continue reading “[Write On Wednesday] A Letter To A Friend”

First Story Cubes Winner(s)

Ack! There were so many great comments on yesterday’s post about creativity and productivity for writers that I had a hard time choosing a winner. And in the end I chose two (and am suffering horrible guilt about leaving out all the other people who wrote great comments). But don’t fret, because you can all … Continue reading “First Story Cubes Winner(s)”


| Swag | Graphics | Tutorials | Inspiration | Productivity Tools | Writing Prompts | Places To Find Story Ideas | About Storytelling | Podcasts | Online Short Story Collections | Flash Fiction Reading List | Swag Need a StoryADay journal, coffee mug or t-shirt to keep you going through the challenge? Click here. Graphics … Continue reading “Resources”