Seven peices of ‘advice’ you NEVER need to hear again, on the topic of revision. Come with me on a myth-busting adventure. Plus a writing prompt called The Post-Modern Pop Song ::Links:: This episode: 3-Day Challenge: The Writing Prompt: Ready to write today, not “some day”?
This post came as a response to a question I posed about revision: how you approach it and how you feel about it. This answer was so good, I asked Tony if I could repost it here. Thanks Tony! I have no trouble revising my work. I usually want it to be as good as … Continue reading “On Revision by Tony Conaway”
The Power Of Being Vulnerable There’s a vulnerability and trust in the act of sharing your work, that encourages deep connections to grow. Critique groups make you feel that vulnerability, but also the growth. Read more What To Expect During StoryADay’s Critique Week Listen to me talk about critique, who’s involved, what people will tell … Continue reading “Revision & Critique Essentials”
This month at StoryADay we’re all about revisions. This episode takes a look at how to revise your short stories without becoming overwhelmed, and invites you to think about submitting a story to StoryADay’s showcase: Storyfest, coming up on June 23-24. Another new episode of Write Every Day, Not “Some Day”
StoryADay May is over and now we get to celebrate. This episode talks about upcoming themes at the StoryADay blog, the Serious Writers’ Accountability Group and the upcoming StoryFest showcase of all our hard work Another new episode of Write Every Day, Not “Some Day”
Now that StoryADay May is in the rear view mirror, it’s time to dig out some of your stories and see what you can do to spruce them up. Now, before you panic, I have a whole episode for you on learning to love revision. Give it a listen. Your stories are worth it! Another … Continue reading “084 – Learn To Love Revision”