[Writing Prompt] Third Person, Limited Perspective

Today, it’s back to the tried and true, a format you’re probably much more familiar with than yesterday’s Second Person. Yes, today we write in Third Person, Limited Omniscience, perspective. All of which means, you get inside a character’s head and stay there. The Prompt Write A Story in The Third Person, Limited Perspective Tips … Continue reading “[Writing Prompt] Third Person, Limited Perspective”

[Reading Room] Sticks by George Saunders

I’m on a George Saunders kick. I mean, when someone can write a story with fewer than 500 words that makes you actually say “oof” out loud at the end? You’re going to want to go on a kick, reading their work. “Sticks” is a grown man’s reminiscence about his father. It begins, Every year … Continue reading “[Reading Room] Sticks by George Saunders”

[Writing Prompt] Twitter Fiction

OK, so that was a fairly large story you wrote yesterday and you’ve probably got some ‘life’ that you’ve been neglecting while you wrote. So today you’re getting a bit of a break. (And remember, the prompts are always optional) The Prompt Write a story of no more than 140 characters Tips Bonus credit: post … Continue reading “[Writing Prompt] Twitter Fiction”

Announcing the 7DayStory Webinar

In case you missed the last post: As you’ve probably noticed I’ve been working on a little side project called The 7Day Story(write, revise and release a short story in 7 days). It’s like a graduation gift for people who have been through StoryADay: a little more time to work on a single story; a … Continue reading “Announcing the 7DayStory Webinar”

Why We Write

Today I have two things for you: 1, A quick rave about a great book for writers; 2, An fun announcement. Why We Write After we’ve been writing for a while — after you’ve succeeded in making writing a habit, even for just a month — it can lose its dreamlike appeal. It can become, … Continue reading “Why We Write”

Take The 7DayStory Challenge Today

The 7DayStory is a new short story writing challenge, from the creators of StoryADay May and the DIY MFA: Write and revise a story over the next seven days Use the hashtag #7DayStory to connect with other working writers. Why Write A Story in 7 Days? We believe that it is by writing that we … Continue reading “Take The 7DayStory Challenge Today”

Take The 7DayStory Challenge

Just because StoryADay May 2013 is ending soon, don’t think I’m letting you off the hook. You’ve developed some great writing habits this past month and you shouldn’t let those go. To encourage you to continue with your short story writing, I’ve teamed up with Gabriela Pereira of DIYMFA.com and, next week, we’re bringing you: … Continue reading “Take The 7DayStory Challenge”

[Writing Prompt] The Non-Memoir

Don’t miss this news about a new week-long challenge to keep you writing in June — and this one comes with a built-in revision component! The Prompt Take an event/experience from your own life and fictionalize it Last year, at a writer’s conference I was struck by the reaction of a panel of agents every … Continue reading “[Writing Prompt] The Non-Memoir”

StoryADay Round Up For December 2012

So, were you furiously writing all through November? C’mon, I know you guys. You can’t resist a challenge and NaNoWriMo is the granddaddy of them all. Well, if you were, I hope it went well. If you weren’t, well that just means you’ll have all the more creative energy for the inevitable New Year’s Resolution … Continue reading “StoryADay Round Up For December 2012”

What If I Don’t Feel Like Writing?

You love to write, right? Except when you don’t. What’s a writer to do on those days when your inner writer is being a cranky toddler, plumping it’s big fat bottom down on the floor, screwing up its face and wailing, “I dun wanna wri-i-ite!” Today I bring some tough parenting love for your inner … Continue reading “What If I Don’t Feel Like Writing?”

You’re A Writer, It’s What You Do – An Interview With Author James Scott Bell

This week we have an exclusive interview at StoryADay.org with James Scott Bell, the #1 bestselling author of the writing book Plot & Structure, and thrillers like Deceived, Try Dying, Watch Your Back, One More Lie and many more. He stopped by StoryADay.org to talk about the importance of writing routines and practice — a … Continue reading “You’re A Writer, It’s What You Do – An Interview With Author James Scott Bell”

The Difference Between You and a Published Writer

What IS the difference between you and a published author? Time. In one sense, linear time: they were discovered before you were. Bad luck for you, good luck for them. But in another, more useful sense: they made time to write. Have you? Who Do You Think Does Stephen King’s Laundry? Well OK, maybe HE … Continue reading “The Difference Between You and a Published Writer”