On Revision, via Neil Gaiman
This, here is some excellent advice, on taking feedback (tl;dr: timing is important, as is the source, as is your gut) http://neil-gaiman.tumblr.com/post/150773559346/hi-im-half-way-through-the-first-draft-of-my
This, here is some excellent advice, on taking feedback (tl;dr: timing is important, as is the source, as is your gut) http://neil-gaiman.tumblr.com/post/150773559346/hi-im-half-way-through-the-first-draft-of-my
As we sit here, there are only seven days left in May. Seven more stories and then you’re free to take a break, keep writing, set your stories on fire or, preferably revise them into works of genius. To help you out with that latter option I’ve recruited Gabriela Pereira from DIYMFA.com to give you … Continue reading “Climbing Mount Revision One Step At A Time”
I’m excited to announce our very first free, live teleseminar coming up this Friday. StoryADay May is all about a creative splurge: massive amounts of writing, experimentation and fun. With any luck we all came out with a handful of stories that surprised us: they were really quite good and maybe there were some that … Continue reading “Get your story publication-ready with the StoryADay Editing & Revision Seminar”
Every time I’m in a city I see a man drawing passersby into a shell game. He’ll have a tiny card table set up. three folded cards on top, or three tiny cups, and he’s shuffling them around, talking fast, and convincing someone to play ‘guess where the ball is now’. It’s deceptively simple: just … Continue reading “The Writing Shell Game”
One-Story Challenge “Show, Don’t Tell” Edition JOIN NOW INTRODUCING: https://s3.amazonaws.com/StoryADay/cleansweep/Product+Materials/30+Day+Challenge/Sales+Vid+v+2.mp4 If you’re a writer who feels like you could be writing more, if only you could focus, or writing better, if only you could master one more craft skill, then I want to invite you to join us in the StoryADay One-Story Challenge(with a special focus … Continue reading “One-Story September Sign Up Page”
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