I’m Obsessed With Your Success

A call to action!

I’m obsessed with helping you write more and feel successful in your writing life (Yes, I was watching the E! Emmy’s red carpet show this week. Thanks for the epithet, Laverne Cox!)

What are you willing to do to become the writer you know you are inside?


Join the Superstars

Out of Order

StoryADay September is coming! What’s it going to look like, this year? Tune in and find out.

PLUS I got some great advice this week on how to write a sequence that was stalling me. I’ll share it in this episode.


Sept Challenge: https://storyaday.org/fun-size

StoryAWeek Newsletter: https://storyaday.org/storyaweek

From Short Story To Novel — And Back Again — Episode 250

Short stories and novels are different beasts, but there are skills that transfer between them, both in the craft and in the writing life.

This week I’m talking about something I learned about the writing process, in my own writng this week. You might be surprised…  

Sign up for the Fun-Sized StoryADay September Challenge: https://storyaday.org/next-challenge  

Join the StoryAWeek private newsletter here: https://storyaday.org/storyaweek

Ready to write today, not “some day”?

From Short Stories To Novels — And Back Again

Short stories and novels are different beasts, but there are skills that transfer between them, both in the craft and in the writing life.

This week I’m talking about something I learned about the writing process, in my own writing this week. You might be surprised…  


Sign up for the Fun-Sized StoryADay September Challenge

Join the StoryAWeek private newsletter here

Endlessly Inspired

This week we take a look at the publishing industry, your goals, and how you can become endlessly inspired and creative…

Learning about the realities of the publishing industry can free you to create your own definition of success (that may or may not include traditional publishers). Step 1 towards success is to imagine your vision. Step 2 is to turn up for your writing, something the new StoryAWeek newsletter can help with!

For industry perspective: Jane Friedman’s The Hot Sheet: https://hotsheetpub.com/

Leave a comment about this episode: https://storyaday/episode259

StoryAWeek Newsletter Logo

Endless Inspiration and Creativity

Learning about the realities of the publishing industry can free you to create your own definition of success (that may or may not include traditional publishers). Step 1 towards success is to imagine your vision. Step 2 is to turn up for your writing, something the new StoryAWeek newsletter can help with!

For industry perspective: Jane Friedman’s The Hot Sheet: https://hotsheetpub.com/

Leave a comment about this episode: https://storyaday/episode259

Step into endless inspiration and creativity with StoryAWeek: https://storyaday.org/StoryAWeek 


Ready to write today, not “some day”?

A Writer’s Vacation

This week I talk about the  creative boost I got from my recent travels, and how you can get a similar boost in your writing life, without even leaving home.

This week I talk about the  creative boost I got from my recent travels, and how you can get a similar boost in your writing life, without even leaving home.

I also tease some of the upcoming events at StoryADay as we look towards the change in seasons.

Want more?

Join me at the Writer Unboxed OnConference 2022: https://writerunboxed.com/2022/08/05/writer-unboxed-onconference-community-focus/

Get the StoryADay Short Story Framework: https://storyaday.org/framework

Networking Without Nerves, a conversation with Coach Larissa Sjarbaini

Crafting a writing life isn’t all about knowing where to put commas and how to develop characters. It’s also about engaging with other humans. This week I’m in conversation with Larissa Sjarbaini, a high performance coach, about how to do that and why you might want to, even if you’re an extreme introvert. And stay tuned for an opportunity to develop your own game plan for a writing life


Set Yourself Up For Success sign up now!

What is Your Legacy, As A Writer – Episode 253

Writers don’t just write for themselves, we write to be read, and with that we leave a legacy. in this episode I tell the story of two writers who left an impact on me, and invite you to think about your legacy

The 3-Day Challenge – https://storyaday.org/3dc
I, WRITER Waitlist – https://stada.me/iwriter

Music credits: Alan McPike, https://standardstrax.com/
Video credit: (Tony Conaway) Gary Zenker, Main Line Writers’ Group (full video https://youtu.be/1R0rqla54hk)

Three Ways Writers Connect

This week I bring you three stories from the writing world that bust the myth of the lone genius writer

Episode 252 – This week I bring you three stories from the writing world that bust the myth of the lone genius writer (now, doesn’t that make you feel better).


Sign up for the free Your Writing Life Masterclass now: Join the free Your Writing Life class from StoryADay

Orget started on a mini challenge with the StoryADay 3-Day Challenge 

Something Has To Change

It’s not just your protagonist who must change!

In a story your protagonist faces the possibility of change before they can  solve the problem they face, win their true love, or defeat their enemy…in short, achieve their heart’s desire.

Funny thing is: as writers, we face that moment of decision too.

That’s what I’m talking about on the podcast this week.

The State of the Short Story

Some early details about the new flavor of StoryADay May I’m introducing this year, and my note from the AWP 2022 Conference – and my thoughts on the state of the short story


Subscribe to the podcast in your favorite podcast app and automatically download every new audio episode

3 Day Challenge: StoryADay.org/3dc

My interview with Jane Friedman:

Full transcript

Use Conflict to Make Stories More Interesting – a writing prompt

Avoid the trap of writing beautiful language with no plot, but injecting some conflict into your stories…and I don’t mean car chases or war! 

If there is nothing happening in your writing, your stories will be boring!

Full transcript: https://share.descript.com/embed/Wnfp8TWAI7m

Ready for more? Take the 3-Day Challenge!

You are not Brandon Sanderson

…and you don’t have to be.

The writing world is fascinated with the tale of fantasy writer Brandon Sanderson who announced he had written four surprise novels over the pandemic and used a record-breaking Kickstarter to launch them.

So I’m here to remind you about the different paths available to writers, from creating a practice, to creating an empire that can run a record-breaking Kickstarter campaign.


John Scalzi’s article: https://stada.me/scalzi

The 3-Day Challenge: https://storyaday.org/3dc

Stay updated with StoryADay: https://storyaday.org/signup

Ready to write today, not “some day”?

Community & Communication

Whether we are from within a community or an outsider, it affects how we perceive the group. That’s important for characters in your writing and it’s one of the topics on this week’s podcast, along with mindset (of course!) and what I’m reading this month.  Included: a writing prompt all about the ways your characters and your readers interact

Bob Newhard: https://youtu.be/p1KbtLrBZ0k 
Neil Gaiman’s “Orange”: https://amzn.to/2GgNPb8 
Podcast questions: https://storyaday.org/podcast 
Julie Explains Things, Simply: https://stada.me/jets

00:00 20220211 Podcast
03:43 Reading Room 
06:01 Community & Communication
11:13 Julie Explains Things, Simply
13:58 Writing Prompt


Transcript: https://share.descript.com/embed/IxDntQCz0Zp

Ready to write today, not “some day”?