Writing prompt – What is soothing?
A 0:1:15-long dose of inspiration
A 0:1:15-long dose of inspiration
A 0:1:9-long dose of inspiration
What list might your character write, and why? Who finds the list, later? What was the outcome? So many possibilities.
For more like this, subscribe to 52 weeks of writing lessons and prompts from StoryADay’s Julie Duffy: https://storyaday.org/storyaweek
A 0:0:35-long dose of inspiration
…that’s it. That’s the prompt.
#writingprompts #writing #writingprompt Take it literally, or sit back and let your mind make random associations until you find the story #writingprompts #seagulls #scotland
A 0:0:51-long dose of inspiration
StoryADay’s Julie Duffy shares a view and a writing prompt from the west of Scotland.
#writingprompt #writingprompts
For more like this subscribe to the StoryAWeek newsletter – a writing lesson & prompt every week in your inbox: https://storyaday.org/storyaweek
A 0:0:10-long dose of inspiration
Use these tiny prompts to propel yourself into your writing day #writingprompts #castle
A 0:0:31-long dose of inspiration